The Crippling Effects Of Debt On Your Mental Health

The Crippling Effects of Debt on Your Mental Health

According to various financial experts, approximately 80% of Americans possess consumer debts, and collectively, the debt figure was estimated to be more than $14 trillion as of 2021. It is a fact that many people who have debt often suffer from high stress along with other ailments that can affect their quality of life.

Debt is not only a financial problem but also a mental and physical health issue. Regardless of why you are in debt, taking the help of a debt management program can help you manage your debt in a healthy way. Understanding how debt can affect your mental health is crucial to resolving it as soon as possible.

Anxiety and Depression

For those with high levels of debt, trying to manage it can feel overwhelming and, frankly, out of control. A 2020 study published in Frontiers of Psychology shows that participants with debt struggled with depression, anxiety, and even suicide ideation.

Debt has been known to worsen psychological well-being over time, and when the debt becomes unmanageable, it can lead to crippling anxiety.

Changes in Mood and Behavior

When aware of the severity of debt, individuals can begin changing their behavior over time, even when they don’t mean to. No matter how much a person tries to hide their debt, it can affect their sleeping patterns, making them more exhausted during the day.

It can also lead to a loss in appetite and a tendency to get frustrated easily, affecting their relationships over time. Some develop unhealthy coping mechanisms that can stay with them for life unless managed properly. Finances are known to be a tricky subject to discuss, whether it’s with friends or a partner. Inability to confide in anyone about debt can also make it harder to bear with it.

Unnecessary Stress

Many people talk about how much stress they had before enrolling in debt relief programs, and this is a common problem among many who are struggling with debt. A correlation has been found between debt and stress, so it wouldn’t be odd to say that debt can be a trigger for stress-related problems.

Stress can also lead to other issues, like digestive problems or frequent migraines. Constant fatigue and exhaustion can also be due to stress.

Development of Chronic Ailments

Mental health problems are the only thing that arises with mounting debt. Many chronic physical ailments like high blood pressure and weakened immunity are also common. Frequent migraines and changes in eating patterns are also noticed.

When dealing with mounting debt for a long period, hypertension can also occur in individuals. It is crucial to understand how mounting debt can lead to a worsening quality of life and health and to understand how debt can be resolved with the right management.

Looking to Get Out of Credit Card Debt? We Can Help

Debt can be a scary thing, and when dealing with credit card debt, you need to know how to manage it effectively. With Reliant Management Solutions, you can break free of your debt today with the right management plan that puts you on the road to financial recovery.

Our experts have been collectively helping people get out of credit card debt for over two decades, and we know how to best cater to your requirements. Call us today at 407-789-1447 to schedule an appointment.

Tags: credit card debt, debt relief, debt stress, effects of debt

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