What Do You Need To Know About Getting Sued For Credit Card Debt?

What to Know about Getting Sued for Credit Card Debt?

According to a report from the Federal Reserve, Americans collectively owe more than four trillion in credit card debt. If you’re one of the millions of Americans struggling to pay off your credit card debt, you may wonder what would happen if you can’t make your payments. Can you get sued for credit card debt? The answer is yes—and we’ll explain what you need to know about getting sued for credit card debt.

How Will You Be Sued for Credit Card Debt?

You first need to know that credit card companies will not sue you immediately if you miss a payment or two. Most credit card firms will work with you to try and find a way to make your payments. However, if you continue to miss payments and don’t work with your credit card company to find a solution, they may eventually sue you.
Some factors that will be considered include:

· How much debt do you owe?
· How long have you been missing payments?
· Whether you have made any attempts to repay the debt?
· Your state’s statute of limitations on collections?

If your credit card company does sue you, they will file a lawsuit in civil court. You will then be served with papers notifying you of the lawsuit. Once you have been served, you will have a limited time to respond to the lawsuit. If you fail to respond, the court may rule in favor of the credit card company and issue a judgment against you.

How Can You Fight for Your Case?

You must know your rights if you’re being sued for credit card debt. For example, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) protects consumers from being harassed by debt collectors. Additionally, the FDCPA requires that debt collectors give you specific information about your debt, such as the debt amount and the creditor’s name.

One way to avoid getting sued for credit card debt is to enroll in a debt consolidation program. Debt consolidation programs can help you lower monthly payments and pay off debt faster. Additionally, enrolling in a program can give you extra peace of mind knowing that someone else is working on your behalf to pay off your debts.

How Does a Debt Consolidation Program Work?

When you choose a debt relief program, you make one payment to the company each month, and they, in turn, disburse payments to your creditors. The goal is to save you money on interest and late fees by getting creditors to accept lower payments. Sometimes, your monthly payment may be reduced and spread over an extended period.

These companies are accredited through organizations like the National Foundation for Credit Counseling or the Financial Counseling Association of America. You can find out whether a company is accredited by asking them or checking with one of these organizations.

Call Reliant Management Solutions for Help

If you’re struggling to pay off credit card debt, call Reliant Management Solutions. We can help you enroll in a credit card debt consolidation program and get your finances back on track. We have an expert team of experienced financial counselors who will work with you to create a budget and develop a plan to get out of debt. Call 407-789-1447

Tags: avoiding debt, credit card debt, debt cycle, debt management, debt relief, debt relief program, debt settlement, pay off debt

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